
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blue Legacy

Granddaughter of Jacques Cousteau & advocate about watersheds globally, I heard Alexandra Cousteau speak to Vancouver's Board of Trade (repeated on Shaw TV).  What particularly resonates is her accent upon social media to  increase civic participation. 

In a biofuel vehicle their team has been embarking on a 138-day journey to promote and "host watershed action days."  

There is plenty of on-the-ground journalism going on being broadcast on her blog, ranging from the impacts from dispersants used during the BP clean-up, to the sociological impacts from spills of the not-so distant past.  The words of Dr Picou: "The Alaskan natives describe the day of the oil spill in Prince William Sound [Exxon Valdez 1999] as 'the day the water died.' And when the water died their whole culture was attacked systematically."

Simply put by Cousteau, the genesis of water problems has been / continues to be done by individuals;

By extension, stewardship requires that all stakeholders are responsible for what they send downstream in their respective watersheds.

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