
Monday, September 6, 2010


What's this all about?

This started as an assignment for an Enviro-Education Seminar part of my teacher training.  Our only directive was not to use paper.  I wanted to channel my alarm about hydro-systems into something positive.

As an educator my concern is re-presenting various sources of information with co-learners. However as an organizer for civic responsibility I feel discussion and research barely breaks the surface.

In the following meditations called Eau [pronounced Oh, "water" in French]-me, H20 My  my focus is:

to traverse with lowly droplets in their pathways through sentient beings and landscapes, production loops & flows, and spilling through consumers' hands. 

I argue in the following action/research posts that water needs to be re-conceptualized as one of the Earth's greatest luxuries and thereby respected.

Environmental justice is inseparable from the social: the manner we alter our aqua-cultures must be seeped in empowerment.

The following blog entries will 
  1. articulate possibilities with classroom learners;
  2. hyperlink to a variety of approaches, articles and actions ;
  3. trace my stream of reflection and praxis
so to embody respect and understanding around water as a life-source.

Monsieur B.


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